Friday, July 4, 2014

Making my children "Peaceful"

Oh what JOY! Today my shipment has come in and I made the Peaceful Child Blend. From all that I have read it has worked wonders for other people's children and other adults who experience ADD, ADHD, Bipolar disorder, and Tourette Syndrome.  .... Why not mine then?  As I looked at the different oil blends and did some research on what they were used for and why they were so effective, I found that that each of the oils help to balance the central nervous system. 
The combination of the oils are great for: insomnia (rub on inside of wrists and just below the nostrils), ADD, ADHD, fear, stress, emotional trauma, and anxiety.
The recipe calls for the following oil, please click on the oil for  more detailed info on the oil:

  • Supports healthy circulation
  • Calming, grounding effect on emotions
  • Immune-enhancing properties

Ylang Ylang
  • Helps balance hormones and lifts mood while having a calming effect. 

  • Can be applied to the bottoms of feet to relax and balance mood swings.

  Clary Sage-
  • Helps balance hormones
  • Soothes nervous tension and lightens mood
  • Calming and soothing to the skin 
  • Valued for its calming properties and positive effect on the nervous system
  • Soothes tired, stressed muscles
  • Supports a healthy respiratory system
  • Benefits the cardiovascular system 

Hear the story of the woman who created Peaceful Child Blend :

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Post your photos to wood for a unique look! Customize your look with different colored borders.
Yes... I know, this is the same picture posted on my blog.... somehow good family photos are most difficult to get... go figure! 

  1. Once the paint is dry, quickly spread a thick layer of your Mod Podge on the wood. Work quickly for a nice sticky workspace. *NOTE- This is my second attempt with this project, the first time I used a spray adhesive to attach the picture... it bubbled up.... thus the "redo". I HIGHLY recommend using mod Modge to attach the picture. 
  1. Place picture on the mod Podge prepared wood surface & spread out any air bubbles.
  1.  Glob a thick layer of Mod Podge on top of your picture using the foam brush, spread all over paying close attention to the edges of your picture. This will give a final seal and a  nice finishing to your picture.  Your picture should have a white "milky" look to it; don't worry it will dry clear :) 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A GREAT Night's sleep!

I had a GREAT night's sleep last night! I have been stressed out with school, my boys have been driving me CRAZY, and my kids at school have "spring fever". So you could say I have been "too tired to even sleep". I knew I needed to get some rest.... for the sake of all around me :) So I tired a little lavender on my pillow, a little behind my ears, and the back of my neck.... WOW! I WILL be doing that again!
Discover the many uses of Lavender
Learn more about lavender

Monday, April 7, 2014

Create Numbered Burlap bags

Materials needed: Burlap bags, stencil, black paint, foam brush, plastic baggies, and paper to work on. (I used a paper bag)